Dazed, confused, shackled by the epitaphs of existence,
My mind racing with thoughts of lost glories, departed loved ones,
Breaths taken are sharp and laboured,
My hands chained by durable twine,
Strangling the energy of bygone days.
A lone soldier gazes into the distance, hungry for respite.
Yet, none is forthcoming.
Comrades reduced to traitors and turncoats,
We dreamt of something greater, but in our greed and self-indulgence supremacy raged on,
And what we wanted, what we aspired to, gone - in an instant.
Young bodies, slain by the paranoia of battle,
We turned away from the truth, but it destroyed us.
I've forgotten what it was all about.
How did we get here?
Why did we fall so far from our destination?
I thought...and I thought...reason, however, escapes me.
A final breath, this one long and slow, as if hoping to survive, but knowing that hope is to no avail,
I close my eyes and, in a millisecond, I...am...no...more.
(c) NZ 2009.

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