Suzanne from Groundwork BBOR talks about the new community gardening project at Lower Falinge. Volunteers are needed to help clear, design and create a new allotment - they'll be there every Friday morning from 10am! Video Leader of Kirklees Council Cllr Shanbir Pandor shares his experience of the pandemic #Kirklees Video The difficulty of not being able to see my best friend my dad #Kirklees Video Local radio presenter sharing his experience of having Covid-19 and thinking that he wouldn’t pull through Video Dave- Covid convesations part 1 Video Carol talks about her experience of volunteering to support the local community Oldalszámozás Jelenlegi oldal 1 Oldal 2 Oldal 3 Oldal 4 Oldal 5 … Következő oldal Next › Utolsó oldal Last » Comments You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Saját név E-mail A mező tartalma nem nyilvános. Címlap Tárgy Comment A szövegformátumokról CAPTCHA Ez a kérdés vizsgálja, hogy vajon ember-e a látogató, valamint megelőzi az automatikus kéretlen üzenetek beküldését.
Video Local radio presenter sharing his experience of having Covid-19 and thinking that he wouldn’t pull through