It gets my goat, that imprecision in speech is part of a wider Bamboozle; is what I'm saying. Think so
I've wondered(diff topic, meant to be) whether poetry is innately, of itself, a more truthful form of expression than many others.
And I was thinking that as well in relation to a rich guy Felix Dennis. Has 00's of millions, will be up there on The Rich List of The Sunday Times. Owns MAXIM mag, other things.
Spends several hours a day writing poetry, wonderful. THAT'S living the dream. Anyway he says somewhere: "Am I happy? No" He makes it clear he's in no doubt on that score. Adds, "I know many rich people, none of them are happy"
I just never came across so very lucid a statement of what to some wise peole may be one of life's verities.
Well impressed me!
Bye for now

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