It has been 3 years from now after  the day I was supposed to be deported to Zimbabwe. After a jealous manager masterminded it. Thank God  he saved me. Instead of deporting me, they rotated me  within three major detentions  namely as Colin-Broke, Tinsley House and Yarlswood. I had been in detention for a period of six weeks. I was fortunate to be released earlier because some of the detainees had been in the detention for more than six months to a year and still they were in dilemma. I would like to express my gratitude to the people who campaigned for my release, some supported by visiting and praying for me. Sally and family , Emma and family,  Peter,  Rose, Perseverance and the church. Thank you for all the beautiful work you did for me. I truly salute you as Heroes. The  unconditional love and support you gave me was absolutely incredible. May the love of God continue to overflow you and your families. I pray for the divine favour and that you may continuously live happily for many years to come. I will always love you and you will remained touched to the core of my heart until death separates us. Comrades be blessed.


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