Rachel, Pippa and Molly talk about their experiences of coproducing research about young peoples experiences of coastal towns with young researchers. Highilighting the importance of taking time to build strong relationships that are crucial for good coproduction. 

Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm a researcher at U C L. I'm Pippa. I am the voice and influence coordinator for North East Lincolnshire Council Children's Services. I'm Molly, and I'm a graduate within Pippa's team, the practise performance and quality team within Children Services at North Lincolnshire

Brilliant. Thank you. And so we're gonna chat a little bit today about your experiences of coproduction

So, um yeah, I think Rachel, you're gonna kick us off with some some thoughts, OK, So we are working together on a project, which is all about, um, researching what it's like to grow up in a coastal community. So what it's like for young people, Um, and and also looking at how that might have changed over time. So for me, um, the, um it all began in 2019 where we, um, did some research in another coastal town

But it was very much about trying out different kinds of creative, participatory methods. And although we were working with young people there in the school as young researchers, um, it was on a very compressed timescale, and the focus was really about trying out new methods. Then obviously with the pandemic, there was a bit of a break

And in 2021 we, um, came back to the project and this time doing it as a bigger sort of mixed methods project. And I was, um, working on the qualitative side. And particularly, um, for me, it was focusing on the co-production side

So this time we really wanted to, um, work with young people as young researchers and focusing more on working together. Um, and, um, the p I, Avril Keating, um, suggested that we work with young advisor and national organisation, um, who are a sort of like a network, um, that work across the country. Um and, uh, in particular, Avril had previously worked with North East Lincolnshire Youth Action, which is part of that network, and she'd worked with them previously, and, uh, thought it would be a really great way for us to take the project forward

Um, so we, um So, yeah, I I met with Pippa, and, um so that was Yeah. Back in September 2021. I think around about then or maybe a bit before, um, and we Yeah, we We work together, Um, and maybe I'll, I'll hand over to you at this point, and then we can, um come, come on to where we are now

Brilliant. Thank you. Yeah

So, um, just to follow on from what Rachel was saying there about, um, how we came together is that, um Previously we've had some young people that were involved in the new advisors network, um, that were part of a wider national project from University College, London, some time ago, and then when this project came up, it was, um, obviously selecting an area that was a coastal community. Um, and we put forward some ideas about how people might, um, be able to get involved in that, had the initial meeting and did a short, sharp, um, version of the project, um, to engage with some of our young people and learn from that, um, and and that all came through the National Young Advisors project, which I think is a really important part of that process, too. Is about that kind of connecting through the network

The the the most appropriate, um, young people and, um, utilising the rest of the network to help support that too. Um, so, yeah, I think the, um the the process. The initial process was a really interesting learning curve and has massively influenced

And I think it is part of that, um, understanding of working together and co-production is that everything that's happening with this next part of the present? The next phase of the project, if you like that we're doing currently, is that it's a about using all of the learning that we took from that first project that we did here, and Rachel's learning from the project that they did, um previous to that with the school is that we're always learning and always putting those things into place and helping others understand why we've done the the things the way that we have, why we've planned them and getting their agreement in that, um, and getting their under. They get sharing their understanding of that, too. So, um, yeah, so this project has has massively been influenced by all of the young people's input, feedback, reflections, um, and linking that to, um, the things that we're able to do then, um, through the research department at University College, London, and the skills and expertise that that they bring to that and, um, that the the things that we can do locally as well

And the contacts and networks that we have locally that we can then bring into, um making things work the way that that the group feel that it needs to work. So, um, yeah, so I think for me, it's It's about that kind of constant learning from each other, understanding each other more. And as we learn, we understand more

So then we share that with each other. Um, and so it's It's kind of an ongoing journey. Really? Um, yeah

I think I'm gonna pass to Molly now. But then I'll talk a bit more about, like, the the co-production and what I think about that in a bit. So, Molly, do you want to say a little bit about kind of your involvement and how it's felt from a a young person's perspective? Yeah, So I think Rachel people covered it really well

But this study is a lot more comprehensive than our than our four week one, and it's it's a it is, has been a lot more interesting, and especially with me being included in the young people. We've got quite a lot of variety of the young people, which is really nice, like I'm obviously working. But there's we've got Millie who is in college

And then we've got a youth worker who's a little bit older than me, but younger than me. So I I do think we've got a really good variety of people kind of across the board, and you can kind of see our differences when we have been interviewing quite these big groups, which obviously we did do in the four week study. So I do think it's good how we've got a variety of young people, although we're all interested in the same aim of kind of taking part in this research study

But I also like how we've we've got young people from North East Signature. We've got staff from the council and also U C L staff, obviously from London. So it really is a good mix and quite an interesting mix of people for co-production and research

How how have you, Um what difference do you think your involvement has made in in the research, Molly, Um, I do think I've got quite a bit of research experience from university, so that is helpful. But I am also a younger person. So I can relate to our other younger researchers, but also the younger people that we're interviewing, obviously less so

The older people who are age 60 plus in our study. But I do think I've got I've I've I've got the knowledge But I've also got the young person kind of thoughts and expertise I'd like to think so a good mix of professional and also young young person. And, um, I suppose I'm interested to know if there's anything Um what? What specific things you you've done as part of the process

Um, how have you been involved? And of the the the young people. So So in terms of the staff side, I've obviously been helping Pippa and Rachel with organising event right and social media bits like that, so really staff orientated. But on the flip side, when we've not had enough, young people kind of available for, say, events in the day

If I were other young researchers, other young researchers who got college, I can step in, and I can kind of put myself in their mind and their shoes. On the flip side, I can do all the stuffy kind of bits as well. So it's been a good mix

Yeah, Well, um, and then Rachel, And you know what difference has Has it made to the, um, research? Do you think how? It's kind of, um well, to to any of you. What do you think? What difference do you think it's made to the actual research Having the young people directly involved and and how much have they been able to shape? I think the the research process itself, I think with this iteration of the project, the young people and and Pippa and Molly have been involved from a much earlier stage. So there's, um, been, um, much more involvement in the design of the project and the, um, development of the research methods

I mean, obviously, we were building on what we had done previously, but it's been more collaborative, I think, um, and we've the project has definitely benefited from that because we've developed, um, some really interesting and creative, um, methods and techniques. Um, for example, we've, um, been carrying out some community walks where we've actually, um, visited the places in the local area with young people and older people. Um, to find out and, um, about where, what it's like growing up, um, in the town and and really understanding it from their perspectives and using methods like photography and and mapping and so on

So I think it's the project feels like it's really growing. And the, um, that's really impacted positively on the richness of the data that's coming out of it. Hm

Yeah, I think I would add to that around the, um and that's what we're saying about learning everybody learning from each other. Is that what what I've seen is, um, some of that kind of sense of being happy to try out and then say, How did that work? But do that regularly and say, You know what? Just because it didn't work doesn't mean it was a failure. It's actually something that we can learn from

And so how do we do it differently next time? And that's that's an amazing skill for everybody to have whatever age you are. And I think I hope that that's something that, um, they might not have recognised some of the young people that are involved in it right now, but may recognise later on, um and some of the things that I think we're we're hearing already because we've been reflecting, uh, with young people, um, Molly, as well as the other young researchers all the way through is that they're saying about things like in improving confidence, meeting new people. Um, trying trying out these new methods as well has been really interesting, not something we've done before

So it's like, Let's try it and see what happens. But they learned lots whilst they're doing the process, too. So when we did, the community walks

When we did the walking interviews and stuff and we had somebody leading and talking about some of the history of the town, Um, and looking at some of the the kind of key places that there are in town, there was there was a real sense of Oh, I didn't realise that I wasn't that interesting for the researchers as well as the participants. So we'd planned that, um in a way that we we thought it would be nice for the participants, but actually, I think the young people certainly involved in that research day. Molly might want to stay up more about that

She was involved in that research day, too. Um, when we did the community work, but it was really interesting. And I think everybody, um, researcher or participant or or support worker

And we all learned something new that day, Um, about our area. And yeah, so I think there's there's there's that element of it as well. So building confidence, meeting new people, um, building confidence to meet new people, I think is really important, too

Um, and do it in a safe way. Um, and and think about how we do that, I think are all brilliant skills for for all of us, but particularly as we're growing, um, from young adults, um, into into kind of citizens in the community. Um, but exploring about those different perspectives and everything is just it's been really interesting, I think, um, from hearing the people's, um, thoughts about what we've been doing is that they found it really interesting hearing all the stories from different people

And we quite often one of the things that we've found, um, along the way is that, um, there doesn't seem to be a huge amount of intergenerational things happening. So while we might have that to some degree in in some families, um, is that it's not really happening in our community enough, and maybe that's something that could come out of it. But it it has been super, super interesting, Um, finding out about those and seeing how those intergenerational things connect and how interesting it is to listen to the stories of what happened previously and to listen to what the older people feel about our young people today and what they'd like to share with them

So, um, yeah, I think there's just so much There's so much that I don't know what to say. But I think, um, but it's about that equality of, um, going into the relationship with the sense of we're all here because we bring something to the table. I'm not here because I'm better than you or I know more than you

It's just I bring something to the table that can help this process, and so do you. And you bring something that I don't have. I bring something that you might not have, but we can share those with each other

Um, and I think that's that's one of the really important perspectives about we we we talk about relationships and stuff, but that is the core of this, uh, making this work, whether it be connecting with the participants or, um, the team that are working on it together and and cop producing something together. Everybody's got to feel like they've got something that they bring to the table because they have. That's why they're there

Thank. Thank you, Pippa. It's a lovely way to describe it

And I can I can hear the kind of, um the the, um the the things that stand out for me and that are the kind of the creativity that you've both touched on their on pip And also the kind of the conditions that you've created within that that are just allowing things to to develop, I guess, in in ways that make sense to people rather than in a predefined kind of project planned sort of way. Yeah, Molly, have you got anything you want to and just touching on? When people was mentioned about the guy, what was, which was in Greenfield? We actually had a really great staff member leading the walk. He was very good at sharing information that obviously we all we all took in even the history of the town

It was really great. But I do think the young people kind of thrown in the deep end in a good way. In terms of they were split off into groups with, um, a mix of younger, younger and older people

We did have more younger people, but we still had older people who obviously would not normally speak to, which is the whole point of this kind of research. And it was just, I'm sure, I'm sure it was a learning curve for them. But it was a nice environment for them to be having kind of interviews with people they don't know, but also in an open space, not sat down quite boring

But it was outdoors a walking through. So it was a good day. Yeah, and and does it feel Molly to you? Like, you know, there's a lot of freedom and flexibility for the young people yourself to, um I mean, what What Rachel and people have described is is things that may have happened as part of the research process that perhaps might not have happened that way

Have people not been involved? Um, yeah, Yeah, absolutely. I do think it's been very fluid, and we have learned a lot from the last sessions in October, which obviously is separate. But we've definitely learned from that

And each session we do. We do adapt, depend on the amount of people who might change up the way we kind of go through the questions which Rachel's been very good at. Kind of organising

So we do adapt in it. Yeah, it is is fluid. And and the young people take it in their stride, which is good

Yeah, I think just to add on to what Molly was saying, there is that, um uh uh. Molly and Millie have been doing some sessions. Um, where we've gone to the groups

Um and of course, as much as you plan ahead, and we've got all of the the things that we sat down together and said, Let's ask the question. These are the questions we want to do, and this is how we're going to do it. And this is the amount of time we're going to spend on it

And so on is that, um we turned up to one of those groups and there was more people than we imagined, but not all of them wanted to take part, and, um, they didn't want to come to us, But they wanted us to go to them where they were sat and stuff. So but, um, both Millie and Molly both kind of shared their ideas about, Oh, we could do this. And what shall we use that? And how do you What do you think? Shall we, you know, like, for example, when we were doing the mapping exercise When we've done it, it's been about a group of people around the table looking at the map and plotting things on the map for us

But we couldn't take one map to four different tables. So, um, they came up with the idea about, um going to the tables and writing down the places that they talked about under those different categories that we would map on. And then Molly took the map away afterwards and plotted all of those things on for them

And so it was a way of still doing that activity with those people, um, in a way that suited them and was right for them at the time. And then it it that's progressed, and we kind of use that in other groups afterwards and and developed it a little bit more. But they've absolutely come up with some of those solutions where it was like, Right, How are we going to do this then? Because we've come here and this is the situation

We've got a little bit less time or we've got more people or one that we did recently was was a quite noisy, wasn't it? So it it was, you know, so they would do all those things. But it's about those kind of, um, thinking about what what's happening and how can we adapt things and be flexible to to make sure. But that's absolutely something million Molly, particularly on that example, were the ones that came up with, um, solutions

When we were talking about How do we make that work? How can we still gather that information in a way that is is really meaningful, But we don't have people stood around the map, for example. And just to add to that actually put that um, the other day we went to into a school, didn't we? And the three of us and and Millie. Um, and we were told there would be up to 20 students, so it was a great opportunity to talk to lots of young people, Um, in one space

But the challenge for us was again. How do we, um And how do we carry out or facilitate the activities? And we had up to, well, six activities. Really? Um, when there's four of us and up to 20 students, um, and and suggested that what we could do is, um, do it as a sort of carousel

So we have 44 groups with, yeah, four groups of students across four tables, with each of us facilitating one or two activities. Um, and then we after 10 minutes or so, um, we asked the students to move around on to the next table, and, um and I thought that was a brilliant idea. Um, because because I've been sort of thinking about ways of doing it, and I hadn't thought of that, and and, um, I really like the idea

And we we went with that, and it worked brilliantly. It was great. Um, so yeah, it it's that thinking together and and, um, having each of us having different ideas and perspectives and and, um, yeah, sharing our ideas and and working together to find out, Um, yeah, to try out different things and see what works

Yeah, and like you said, Rachel, isn't it? It's about throwing those out. Like I said earlier on, it's about that bringing everybody's different things to the table, popping them on the table and saying, Here you go, What do you think about that? Here's an idea. What does everybody think about it? And then people can say, Oh, I don't know whether that would work or I don't think I'd feel very comfort with that is that we can have that discussion

But we all learn from that, don't we? When somebody says, Oh, what have you have you thought about it like this? And I didn't realise that you not thought about that, Rachel, So that's really interesting, but it is that it it is about that kind of coproduction. That's what works about that, and that's why it's so special, because it's about everybody bringing their different, um, perspectives and their different skills and their different strengths to the table and sharing those on the table with other people. A bit like we have on on a buffet is that it's about sharing those things with each other, isn't it? And and me taking a bit of that because that would work for me, and I can take that away and use it somewhere else

And, um, all of that learning is is what's really lovely about coproduction, isn't it? Because none of us have got all of those skills. But all of us will take something away from that table that we like, and maybe something that we know that we don't like, because we've tried it and we we're like, Oh, that doesn't work for me and that that I think that's part of the magic of of doing real co-production and really, genuinely doing that together. Um, so I think there's also two things that I'd really like to kind of highlight

One of them is the importance of having time to do it well, and I think, um, we sort of briefly touched on this, But with the project in the autumn, it was on a very tight time frame, and I think we more or less asked the young researchers to go and recruit, um participants and interview them and, um, kind of bring back the data to us over a sort of more or less two weeks. And I mean, they did brilliantly, considering the the challenge of that. But, um, it just felt like there wasn't really room to test things out and learn from maybe what didn't go so well

And what did go well, um, it it it felt like, yeah, it it was It was a bit of a tight time frame. And also it meant that there was quite there wasn't really much opportunity for, um, the young researchers to be involved in other stages of the project. It was really about the field work

Whereas this time, with our funding, we've got more time we've got We've yeah, seven months in total, and it's really been very helpful in, and it will bring us to think through and work together across the different stages of the research. So designing it together, planning it carefully together, um, and spreading out the field work so that we do have time to reflect together and, um, talk about what we feel is going well what we might do differently next time and and to really make changes along the way. So I think that's been really important

And also, um, to build in time for analysing the data together and, um, creating outputs, um that we can then or thinking about ways of sharing the findings with with different stakeholders, um, in the in the final few weeks of the project. So I think that's been really important. The other thing is what we've also really tried

Um, very much to do is to focus on different stakeholders perspectives. So instead of, um, for example, seeing it as primarily as an academic research project and thinking about what kind of data we need to get out of it, we're really thinking much more globally, you know, from not just about the data, but, um what, um, what do the young researchers need to get out of this or what do they hope will want to get out of it? And how can we help them to do that? Um, thinking about it from obviously Pippa's point of view, but also wider stakeholders within the community and and beyond. So I think, um, that's been really important

Um and to build that into our planning so that we're kind of, um trying to think about what our objectives are from different people's perspectives and and one of the things that's also helped us with that, I think, is having an advisory group this time where we've got, um, people from different backgrounds and, um, and different perspectives that can help us to develop our thinking. So that's that's great, Rachel. Thank you

There's two things that come to mind on the back of that one is, um, I'm curious to know about the difference in terms of what you've learned from that original way that you described as doing it that short, sharp Two weeks compared to, you know, this much more creative, more unpredictable. Um, you know, long term approach, um, and and what the difference there is, And then the other thing is around the impact. So, you know, it's one thing to think that actually you want the research to have an impact when it's done and and and finished, but what you've just described there, it feels to me like the way you're working and what you're doing and and how you're doing it is having quite a significant impact

Um, on on the lives of the people, Um, who are involved in that at the minute, if you want to. I don't I don't mind. Um I'm, uh yeah, I think in terms of how we've changed, what we've done and why we've changed, what we've done was because of what we learn on that one

So, for example, the time taken to do it One of the things that that, um, the young people fed back throughout that that first project was it was a bit too quick in terms of doing some training and trying out some of the stuff and saying This is what we think would work and then sharing those kind of ideas about that. It was brilliant. And it worked really nicely as well, in the fact that there was one activity that one of them people suggested a totally well, not a totally different, but a different way of doing it

If somebody felt uncomfortable doing that one so that we had different options for people to to dip into and use to still gather the same information. But what they said was it was really difficult. And we were in, you know, we were under covid restrictions much more intensely at that point

Well, so there were only a limited ways of them being able to get some of the research, Um, and to do it safely, Um, because we needed to make sure that that was the case. But the time thing is, it is just so I don't know. It's just such an important thing, and it's it's not just that time

So the time to do that and the time in between. So I think one of the things that young people said was having a bit of a, um, an option for them to do the training and the the planning and the co production of, like how we're gonna do what we're gonna do and then having a little bit of break to organise their activity that they'll do to gather their research and then to do it and to have a contingency built in, which is what we've done throughout this project. So it's a much longer project

Now we we're doing more, but it's over a longer period of time, and the way that we've planned it is thinking about what worked really well, what would we like to do differently? Um, and how would we like to do it differently? Um, and just threw around lots of ideas but took the time to really kind of explore that Throw around those ideas, say, how would it work? When would it work? How many people might want to get involved in How do we do that? And while we've been doing it, we're learning all the time. We're We're kind of adapting slightly to to to look at, how do we promote things differently? What do we do? What's worked really well and we're doing that all the time. Currently

Currently, we're still doing that. But I think the other thing linked into time is that building relationships. And I think that's something we absolutely have to, uh, that we we've learned

But we knew, Um, but I think it's just you can't You can't just make it happen without those relationships being good. And I think what's been really good this time as well is that the the young people that were involved this time were involved last time. So some as researchers and some were participants last time

And then those participants have then said, I'd like to be involved in doing the research this time, and but they all had, um, positive relationships with us locally anyway, before they started this project, Then we've taken the time to build those relationships, and I think it's worked or it's working particularly well because we'd already built those relationships Before we started this project, it might have been different or it might have taken more time or it will have taken more time. I think if we had a totally new group of young people that didn't know each other and didn't know us and start doing this. So I think time and relationships go hand in hand and they're absolutely core to what what we do with this and then linked to what I was saying about that kind of going in with the the, um, the values and attitudes and ethics

If you like around kind of genuinely saying, I'm not coming here to tell you how to do things, I'm coming here to say Can you help me do that? And so and that's part of that relationship building and being consistent with that is part of that relationship building, and then that transfers to our participants that are involved in the research because all that we've been doing is asking them about how was that for you? Did that work for you? Was there anything we could have done differently? It would have made it better. And we're gonna come back to you because we want you to come back and find out what we found from everybody else that we're doing it with. And this is when we're gonna do that

Um and so But it is. It's that, isn't it? It's about relationship building all the time, Um, and taking the time to do that and making sure that's built into in into your project. So I'll shut up now

But I think relationships is is so important along and it goes hand in hand with the time thing. But this this it's so powerful. If you don't take the time, Um and you don't build those relationships and create those safe relationships, then this

None of this would work, and I think any co-production on any kind of piece of work probably wouldn't work as well as it could do um, and would it really be co-production if, um, everybody didn't feel that they were an equal part in that, That Jigsaw? Yeah. Thank you, Molly. Rachel, have you got anything? So just from following on from what people were saying about time from our previous project that it was such a big factor changing from four weeks to obviously months and months and months

And although it hasn't always worked in our favour with the young people sometimes being busy because the events are spread out and they did know in advance, but not too too far in advance. So there was that factor of young people being busy already. But in turn, it has allowed us to prepare more for the sessions in prepping printing gathering equipment for the larger sessions of of the focus groups, which I think has in turn, enabled us to gather more attendees and better research

That's more sense. Yeah. Yeah

And and space. I'm picking up space to maybe learn things that you perhaps didn't think you might learn or know you needed to to learn as part of that research process as well. Yeah, Yeah

Anything from you, Rachel? Um, yeah, I think being together in the same space as much as possible has been really important. I mean, Pippa mentioned that one of the difficulties last year was, um that, you know, Covid was still a big concern. And so we were having to proceed really carefully in how, um we did the field work, and and so, really, we We asked the young researchers to interview people that they already knew and would be seeing kind of on a day to day basis anyway, because that would minimise risks of transmitting the virus

Um, so that was a limitation. Um, whereas this time we've been able to go out into the community, um, in ways that we probably couldn't have done before. We've been able to go into schools and go to community centres

Um and yeah, mix more freely with people. So that's definitely been, um, important. Um, and I've been able to go up, travel up, um, much more than last time and take part in the focus groups and so on with with Pippa and the young researchers

So that's given us space to have those have more reflections as and and we in designing this iteration of the project. Um, Pier and I talked a lot about making sure we built that time in that, um, before and after each, um, focus group and so on, we would make sure that we, um, talk together, all of us about, um, how things were going and what Maybe we could change for the next time, so that's been good. I think another really important thing is I I think building on what Pippa and Molly have been saying is about, um, that mutual respect, Um really, um, recognising each other's different perspectives

And, um, what everybody is bringing to the project. Um and really? Yeah, valuing that. And, um, being very, um, open minded and and ready to learn from each other

I think that's been so important. And that's really been like an underpinning value of the project. And then in terms of impact, um, is it does Does it feel like, um, the research, the process that you're going through doing this in a more co-produced way is is making a difference, maybe in terms of the the fact you know, thinking ahead to where you want the research to go, but you've already alluded to the difference it's making for the people, um, involved

I think, as Molly said, we're we're able to reach more people. Um, we're able to meet with people in groups, and it's really fascinating how in that kind of context that generates more ideas and reflections and memories and, um, thoughts and ideas. So that has been really powerful

Um, so that's partly about yeah, the changing context, Um, on a bigger level. But it's partly about us having more time to do this, Um, and and also that we're, um, organising the field work in a different way this time, rather than expecting the young researchers to do the recruitment themselves and carry out interviews individually, Um, we made a decision, didn't we to to, um, organise it much more in a in a sort of group way So that, um whether that was, um, organising a focus group in a community space and inviting members of the public to come and join us, um, or going to, as I said schools and and, um existing groups and and, um, meeting people in their spaces. Um, I think it has taken up a lot of time, especially Pippa's time is it's been, um, quite a big commitment, and I think it's important to recognise that, um and you know, as as a feature of co-production

But it does take up a lot of time to to organise and make things happen. Um, but I think it's really paying off that there's a value in that time from your perspective. Pippa

Yeah, completely. And I think it it's a journey or we've talked about this before, but it is a journey, and it's a it's a something that we learn. I've said this before and I'll say it again because it's so important

We just learn all the way through. It doesn't matter how many times you've done it before. You're learning all the time, and that's that is part of the magic of it

And I think part of that learning is that kind of understanding. So the best laid plans, you know, we have this idea. So when when we set out the first time we had these plans, this is what we're gonna do

And then we found bumps in the road and gates that were locked and, you know, so we had all of those issues, and we we then explored those issues and said, What could we do? Different? Maybe it might make it different this time. We've used a lot. All of those things that we discussed have been put into this project

And then we've made it clear that this is why we're suggesting these things. What do you think about that? Would it would it tackle that challenge? And so it is about that kind of ongoing journey, and so I didn't think I'd spend quite as much time as I have done because we've needed to do and and there's things like I was unexpectedly taken away from one of the days where we had two focus groups planned, and so we had to cancel them. And then there's like an inordinate amount of time that you need to do then to rearrange them and get them rebooked in and everything

And these are things that are just unexpected. They in the road, the gates that are short, they're, um, you know, road that's closed and it's it's you just that's what you need to do, and you need to learn from it. And I think you know one of the reflections from my perspective at the moment is like, Well, wouldn't it be lovely if we were gonna go on to do something similar to this that we could, as part of the funding, have a young person? That's maybe a little bit more experience that might do a lot of that coordination type stuff, Phoning up the email in the chasing people, um, at getting things booked in? Um, Molly's done a little bit of that as like a sort of a hybrid role where she's taken on some research, um, activities in person, but also as a graduate position and working mothers in the team

She's been organising some of those things as well, so she's picked up some of that stuff, and I think you do. You just learn along the way about, you know, I didn't realise it would take that amount of time, but actually it's really important that we make it happen and we make it happen well. And then we say, actually, that took more time than we expected

Let's build it into next time. And so it is that learning journey, and about sharing that and reflecting all the way through and saying, You know what? If we were going to do it again, this is how we would do it differently and about sharing that together and getting everybody's perspectives on that. So would that work, You know, we wouldn't then just go and say, Oh, let's put a young person's post in there If young people said, You know what, I actually think that would be above what we wanted to do or we nobody would be able to do that

Or could they do it flexibly so that they could be at college and do I don't that we would We'd need to have those discussions instead of just saying like That's my idea. That's something I've thought about, um, with the funding and all that, you know, And you've got to have all of those different perspectives and put those into the pot together and share it. And that's what we were saying about that kind of everybody bringing their different things to the table and saying, What do you think about this? And then everybody going like, Oh, I think that's a great idea or hm, I don't know about that, but maybe if you did it like this

And about that sharing is is what is coproduction, Isn't it or part of what is co-production? Yeah, thank you. Is is there anything else that any of you would like to add? Um, before we think about closing wrapping up, I think in terms of the learning and the impact, I think there's three main areas where we can see what what's coming through, even though we're still in the fieldwork stage, I think, First of all, um, it's we're definitely learning, Um, about what it's like growing up in a coastal town and what some of the challenges are what some of the difficulties are. But also, what are some of the opportunities that are unique to living in a coastal community? So that is, um, really helpful, and that's helping us to address those research questions, Um, that we started off with

Secondly, um, because of the focus of this iteration of the project around intergenerational research, um, it's we're definitely, um, learning a lot from the process, but also in terms of the data that's coming out, um, about, um, how experiences How, um, experiences of growing up in a coastal town have changed over time. Um, but also, in terms of doing this research, it's brought together young researchers, young people and older residents, um, to have conversations that might have never happened, Um, or to have those opportunities, um, to share ideas and reflections together. Um, So I think that's creating quite a unique space, actually

And I think that's really interesting. And and we definitely we'll have a lot to think about, um, around that. And then Thirdly, it's the learning about the process of doing of cop producing, um, research

And we're really excited to be, um, thinking and learning about that and to be starting to share our learning as well so that we can hopefully help um, other people that are interested in doing, um coproduction. So, Rachel, from your perspective, is there a Is there an a knock on impact? Um, in terms of other areas of research, um, maybe that you're involved in or colleagues are involved with, um and then being able to, um I mean, it sounds very much like what you're doing is grounded. It is rooted in the communities where it needs to be, rather than just somebody coming in and doing some interviews or asking sending out some questionnaires and then taking that information away

And that's where the richness is. Um, I guess from my own perspective, I'm I've picked up over the years that there's a nervousness in academia to work in the ways that you're describing because of the ethics or because it's not a robust research, whatever it is, Um, but do you think there's learning from this for for other areas? You mean like from an academic perspective? Yeah. Yeah, definitely

I mean, the the project originated, Um, because there at a national level, there's concerns about, um, the opportunities for young people growing up in coastal towns because, um, the data that has, you know, is out there. It suggests that, um, young people in coastal towns face challenges that are particular to where they live. And, um, that the that the, um in terms of education and employment and health outcomes, um, they tend to be not as strong as for other, um, otherwise similar kinds of towns

So there is definitely an interest, um, at government level as well as regionally and locally, um, around. Why, that is, and and, um and how to address those challenges. So I do think that the research that we're doing can contribute to trying to understand that, um, and trying to think about, um Why, for example, do some young people choose to move away? Um, and others choose to move away, but come back to their town and and others choose to stay

So, um, a big part of what we're looking at in our current project is is, um, young people's aspirations for the future, for themselves and also for their town. So, um, yeah, what is it that is shaping their their plans for the future? Um, and what is that telling us about growing up in a coastal community? Um, so I think that yeah, definitely. This research project is is, um, going to be able to help help that broader understanding of, um, coastal towns in the UK

And we're hoping to be able to take this forward, Um, and in terms of getting funding for a larger scale project that we would then be able to roll out, um, in across additional sites around the UK as well. So that's really exciting, I think also, um, we're hoping that this project will have an impact locally. Um, one of the, um things that we plan to do towards the end of the project is to share our findings with local decision makers in north east Lincolnshire

Um, one of the key things we would probably want to be sharing with them is what young people are saying they think needs to change. Um, What what they would recommend needs to happen to improve things for young people growing up, um, in the community. So So we really want to think about how we can, uh, get get those messages to to local policy makers

Um, so certainly, I think there's, um, opportunities to have quite a significant impact there. And just one more thing in terms of, um what? What? You, uh, raise the sort of kind of worry that some people have about the rigour of, um, academic research. When it's co-produced

I don't think that we would have any concerns about that, because I think we are constantly reflecting, um, and and revisiting. And, um, you know, we're we're we're working together, and as we've sort of highlighted, I think throughout this conversation, we are constantly like tweaking things and changing things where we see that that would help. Um, um yeah, help us to improve the quality of the data and and and the way that we're working

So So I think, um, the way the fact that we're having these conversations, um, together, um, not only within our, um, group of young researchers and Pippa myself, but also with, um our p I, um currently claire Cameron, but also with our advisory group. Um, those conversations are helping us to, um, think about what we're doing. Sort of through critical lens and being being prepared to change things as we go along

Thank you. Thanks. Rachel

Pippa. Molly, Did you have anything? Finally you wanted to add? No, not me. You're on mute Pip

Sorry. Actually, one of us did it at some point. Um, yeah

So something that just I agree with everything that we've all said today. And I think, um, the the thing that is I think is really special in in relation to things like this is about that raising awareness of young people's, um, abilities, strengths and what they bring to the table and the absolute belief that they can they can and they will do that really effectively with the right support is the key thing for me is that we often hear about young people, Um, not being old enough to have an opinion. Um, and and I'm not said in those words, but we often kind of don't involve young people in this, that and the other

You know, we we talk about the votes at 16 thing that you know that the argument for not bringing in votes at 16 is probably the same when they were bringing in votes for women and when they were bringing the votes down to 18 is at 16. What do they know? And it's like actually at 16, they know lots. And at eight, they know lots

And actually, if we have the right support around us, we can all do anything. And, um, we all we all bring what we bring to the table. But the absolute belief that young people are citizens today, not the future

Um, they are absolutely active citizens and have a say about what's happening in their communities. And most of the services that we provide, um and and businesses have an impact on young people's lives. We absolutely should be involving them, engaging them and allowing them a seat at our table in an appropriate way

And that goes back to what we started saying about these creative, participatory methods and making things, um useful, interesting and engaging for anybody that's involved in it. But from my perspective about championing those young people that people quite often think that young people don't don't have the skills or the abilities to bring to that, but they bring something totally amazing. And that's the kind of ethos of our national young advisors project, as well as the local projects that we do, um, around Social action is that belief absolute belief in young people as being experts in their own lives and being able to bring that expertise to the table and really help us as adults understand the the um, the world through their eyes and how they how they experience things that we do, and so that we can be the best we can be in the future

So I'm gonna rant over. But that's really important to me. Is that we we kind of take away from this Is that young people absolutely have the ability

And if we can raise awareness about that more, um, and showcase things like this so that people believe that more, Um, because they've seen it with their own eyes. Is that or they've experienced it because they've been a part of it. Is that, um we'll be doing a great thing then, wouldn't we? And creating active citizens of our young people now, instead of, um, growing our young people by telling them this is what you need to know

Um, allowing them to say this is what's out there. What do you think about that? And why do you think that? And encouraging, um, critical thinkers and allowing them to think about what I hear isn't always the truth. Um, and sometimes I can look at that and I can explore it and I can find out more about it and then do what I want with it

Anyway, I'll rush now. Fantastic. I I think, um, ultimately we want to affect social change, and I think we can't do that if we're only looking at it from one angle

Like from an academic perspective, we've got to include people that are affected by the issues that we're looking at. So I think that's a really strong argument for cop producing research is bringing together people that have different kinds of knowledge, Um, whether that's from personal lived experience or other kinds of knowledge and and, yeah, learning from each other and developing schools together.

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