The story about the experiences of the pandemic by a young person with migrant background who lives in Budapest.

Maria, can you tell me about your experience of covid times? Uh, OK, so I arrived in 2020 with which means that it's the middle of covid. Everything was closed in this time, but it was OK for me because, like, I use time, of course, to get familiar with the country. But it was hard at work. Uh, because you you can get familiar with something you don't really experience

You're staying at bliss, and you can't meet people. You can't, uh, talk with them. But after a while, when vaccination comes, it start to be bitter

And I liked it. I liked it from this time. Um, like that

Yeah, we can do something at least. But the problem is, as immigrant, we couldn't have the vaccine until June. It was my first dose, so it was already too long of waiting for the vaccine, and we were not sure that we would take the vaccine at all

No one was telling us anything and yeah, finally we got it. Which was ok. All right, Mario

So what were your challenging changes? Changes well during covid. Uh, my main challenge was the health care, because, uh, when I needed the surgery. Uh, the hospital didn't accept me

Uh, because of covid, because they are They are accepting only emergency situation because, yeah, it's covid time. And everything with covid is just emergency, and everything else can be delayed. So because of this, I I was late for my surgery for three months, and when I had it, it was emergency already

And it it happened that I I lost my job because of this, because when I turned into emergency department, it was, uh It was my first day at work, so I lost work, and I didn't get the the health care in the correct time. I had a little problem because of this. And, um, not every place is open to to to hire anyone during this time because most of places are closed and they don't have enough salaries and everything

So this is the chance to find a job having health care system. Good for you. Having good

So, basically, you should go back to your country which is suffering from covid because everyone in your country have covid. You are sure of this and you're scared somehow I'm scared.

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