A young person living in Denmark discusses their experiences of living in the US during the pandemic, the positive sides of lockdown, how they had more time to spend with their family, and how they got to enjoy Ski-Racing. 

What was your experience of the covid pandemic? My experience with the covid pandemic was not too bad. Actually, it was kind of nice getting some, like, time away from, like, stressful school work because it was at home and we had to do it on, like online. So it's actually quite easy. And it's very nice

Um, yeah. So, overall, it wasn't that bad. What about your family? Really staying with them? I I was staying with my family

Um, my siblings were doing pretty well. One of them wasn't doing so well, but the others were. My mom liked it

My dad liked it. You know, we got, like, time to join each other as a family and spend time together and stuff. Yeah

Yeah, um, actually travelled back and forth between the different sides of the state. So yeah. And why did you do that? Um, ski racing

Oh, my family. Like skiing? Yeah, really a lot. You can still ski, even though there was a pandemic

Yeah, we wore masks during the pandemic. So, like when we're in lines and waiting for stuff, we'd wear masks, but if we were on the course, we got to take them down. So it it'd be easier for us to breathe, because sometimes it just is like, you know, a little difficult suffocating or something

Yeah, suffocating. A lot of people have trouble with it. Yeah, but it was pretty nice

So it was fun for you. Yeah, it actually wasn't that bad. I got a chance to, like, be away from some fam, like, not family, but, like, friends that were kind of like, uh, you know? Yeah

And I got, like, a chance, Like, actually, like, get a hold of what was going on. So So you like not seeing certain people? Yeah, I I really do. You know, some people are just some assholes, I guess

Like, they're people you missed too. Yeah, I actually missed seeing my friends, but we went out a few times just because, um, like during, like, august July kind of time because it wasn't that bad then. Especially like in 2021

So but yeah, I think my state at the beginning of it, we didn't handle it that well because a lot of people didn't know that I was actually there. Like I found out like, three weeks after three weeks. Yeah, it was actually kind of crazy because they didn't really, like, say anything about it, but that was like it was like North Washington

I live like centre, um, so we didn't really hear the local news, you know, it didn't, like make headlines because they didn't get a giant nose that they they just got sick. But then recently, they they they kind of got their stuff together. But I don't I don't really know how it's going

Now, how about like, vaccinations? Is that going good? Vaccinations are actually going pretty good. A lot of people are actually getting vaccinated. I'm vaccinated, so yeah


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