A young person living in Denmark discusses their experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic and contracting the Covid-19 virus. 

What was your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic? It wasn't too bad. It was a little I had a little anxiety. Yeah. Yeah

So you know, not being on social was very nice for me. Yeah, and I don't know, I have some family that was a little affected by covid. That was sad, but other than that, it was actually kind of chilled

Not having to go outside all the time. Yeah, I get that. Who are you staying with during the pandemic? My mom and my sister

Oh, that's nice. I didn't want to stay with my dad and his family because, Yeah, I we didn't spend time together, so if they had covid, it would be annoying. Yeah, I get that

Yeah. So I spent most of the time with my mom and my sister. Yeah

What do you guys do during the pandemic? Did you guys, like, have movie nights or, like we did? Actually, Yeah. We watched all of the Harry Potter movies. Really? Yeah, that's that's nice

Yeah. And then we, uh, my cousin, my cousins, they live really close to us. So they came over and we played board games a lot

So That's good, You know, some quality family time. I think it's kind of important. It is important

Um, what about friends? I didn't really see my friends that much. Uh, there's some couple of birthday parties ish after when it was the covid. Wasn't that bad

We kind of had, But I didn't see him that much, and we didn't really talk at all. They're not very active on, like social. Yeah, Yeah

I feel like a lot of people weren't. Yeah, I think a lot of people just need it. Not too

Yeah, It's like a good break from, like, all the reality, you see, Yeah. It's incredibly stressful having to constantly hear about like, Oh, now 1000 more people has been affected by covid. Yeah, it's It's really degrading and really tough to hear that, actually, Yeah

Um, did any of her friends get affected by COVID-19? Um, not my friends. I was affected by covid. Yeah, like I recently said I had covid

It was terrible. Yeah. You doing OK? Well, yeah

Now I can't get tested for three months. All right? Yeah. So that was It was even though it was like after the entire It was like after we got out of the whole lockdown thing

Yeah. Yeah, No school work was also kind of fun. Yeah

How was school for you? Um, it was kind of tough to keep fall along sometimes because the teacher was so boring. I get that. It's very understandable

How is, like, the work loud. There was a lot of work. Um, it was it was OK, like keep chats on

The most thing we had was like English and German because we had this really annoying teacher who liked giving us homework. Um, I you know, I have one of those. It was like, weird homework, like take a walk on the beach and then take a Sophie at the beach and stuff like that, and then write a little title for it in, like, German or something in Yeah,

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