Covid experience of a youngster living and volunteering in Budapest

How did covid affect your lifestyle and routine? Uh, covid kind of came in and completely changed everything. Um, So I moved back home with my parents, and I was studying online. So all of the kind of, like, extra curricular things that you would usually do or friends that you hang out with, kind of just went out the window. Um, and because we weren't able to go out more than once a day came a lot more sedentary

Um, and yeah, obviously, like everything became very insular and in focus because you weren't going out and connecting with people as much. It's really hard for you. Uh, yeah, yeah, I like I was very lucky that I got on well with my family

So, like, I had a good support system, but I think that it was hard for everyone. And so everyone was trying to find these ways to connect, so there was a sort of solidarity about it, so I think it kind of hit everyone. And how do you feel about the restrictions coming back? Uh, honestly, More positive, I think

The first time around, it was such a kind of shock to routine as we said. So I think this time I feel a bit more prepared for it. I think we've all probably worked a lot harder on developing strategies to deal with being restricted

So yeah, I think obviously, I'm not thrilled, but we will do what we have to do. All right. Thank you


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