My brother was one of the last dockers employed quays qby Salford docks. Hislast job was loading scrap metal to be Shipped abroad.Wen the contract finnised
He was made Redundent and the Docks was finely closed. He was a member of the T.G.W U and was the shopstuard for the docks.
After being made redundant fond it very hard to get a job , a Liverpool and Ellsmear Docks because of is Involvment as a shopsteward and is reputashion.
Salford dockes played a great part in menney Salford peoples lives.There were Thousands of people Employed by the Docks and serrounding area
and were all put on the scrapheap .It is now called Salford Quays and Compaird to the Thousands employed by the Docks only a small number
are employed by Salford Quays.