Hi there!

I'm here for lots of reasons!...

I work for The Lesbian and Gay Foundation, which is based in Manchester's Gay Village and works towards ending homophobia and supporting lesbian, gay and bisexual people in need. I look after the Community Safety programme for the charity so I'm concerned with all things safety!

One of the biggest projects I lead is The Village Angels - A street patrol service powered by INCREDIBLE volunteers who head out into the Village late into the evenings and early into the morning offering non-judgemental support to those who need it, and making the area as safe and welcoming to all as possible.

Check these for more info -

When I'm not at work I'm interested in community action in all it's forms!
I'm interested in how communities can use empty buildings for other purposes and how small, start-up bussinesses can transform communities.
I'm also obsessed with all things on two wheels! Bicycles are the future!

Please feel free to get in touch!

User Details
Full Name
Stefanie Hartley

Mitglied seit

12 Jahre 5 Monate

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