That was the reaction I was expecting from my Dad.

So far though, the reaction has been really positive. Tattoos are a really subjective thing. Some people love them, others don't. I knew when I got mine that it would divide people. I don't usually like to 'divide' people, so this was a strange choice for me to do (I'm a bit too much of a pleaser). But I've always liked the idea of marking your body with something and having it on you for the rest of your life.

But what do I choose? Do I go for something in Chinese - that seems a popular thing. I once heard about someone getting their sons name written in chinese on their body and when they showed it off in a pub, an asian man in the corner burst out laughing saying "Why do you have 'rice' written on you?". So that's a no go for me.

What about a celtic design? I've seen lots of people with them.... big guys, muscular guys, hmm, I don't think that's quite my style.

I want something I'm passionate about? Song lyrics? Could do, there are certainly songs that mean a lot to me? An object? Balloons have always been something that I love.

No, in the end I went for a simple design from literature. The one thing that got me into reading when I was 11 and still means a lot to me to this day. I got a lightning scar and a pair of glasses. And I absolutely love it!


Oh, and I was lying. I still haven't told my Dad.


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