The wacky and highly original ‘As you like it’ Directed by Greg Hersov at the Royal Exchange, for the “Not Part of ‘Festival, is a must see, even for those who don’t think they like Shakespeare. A winning combination of excellent casting, deft directing, minimalist set and hilarious costumes makes this contemporary version of the play a great summer entertainment, though at 3 hours, a little editing would not have come amiss, even though the play is well sustained throughout.

 Cush Jumbo who recently starred in the Exchanges Pygmalion, heads the cast as the cross dressing Rosalind transformed into a beautifully drawn West Indian urban ‘yoof.’ She is ably supported by Kelly Hotton as Celia. The two young women are the central focus of the play, ably supported by a great cast. Ian Bartholemew as Touchstone the clown, delights right from the start dressed as a slightly obese white rabbit in Duke Fredericks play boy mansion complete with bunny girls. Victoria Elliot as Audrey his rural bride is equally hilarious in her green wellies, like some Glastonbury refugee. The speakers that trail down as trees when the action shifts to the Forest of Arden are the sole prop in this imaginatively designed production. The Exchange at its best- see it!


Hazel Roy


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