World Mental Health Day is on  10 th October 2014 . It is  a day where there is global education, awareness  and advocacy  for mental health issues . Thousands of supporters of  mental health awareness,  campaign to raise awareness of this often misrepresented issue.


We want to hear more about your experiences with mental health problems. Perhaps you or a close family member have had experience of these difficulties or you may have strong feelings about the subject . 


I have met many people, through voluntary work who have had issues with mental health . The stigma to do with these problems seem to be better than in previous decades . There is more openness about it in the media  but  there are still some people who have misinformed opinions.They may benefit from your stories, which may give greater understanding of the experience of mental health problems. Considering that 1 in 4 of us  will have a mental health problem over the course of a year, it seems strange that it is  still awkward to talk about this commonplace experience.

How do you find mental health services today. Are they helpful ? They seem a lot more community focused today than when members of my family were being treated twenty years ago. Places like Start in Salford are excellent places for people to meet others and do something interesting and creative. It builds peoples’s confidence and develops skills in lots of important areas .


Heres a link to  the website.   

Also, here’s a great film about the event that Start in Salford held on World Mental Health Day 2012…

​Please send us your stories by October 8 th 2014 in the form of video ,audio, photographic or blogs and tag them mental health.

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