~~This is a training task to turn a fairytale into a newspaper article in the style of the Daily Star/similar

Wild Animal Eats Innocent Family,

Hero Saves Their Lives

Shocking truth of wolves in our forests. A grand-daughter and her elderly grandmother manages to survive after being eaten alive by a ferocious wolf in Weardale. A passer-by heard distress cries and immediately rushed to save the young girl, aged 9 and her grandmother, aged 79, by cutting the wolf in half.

The hero, John Smith, a woodcutter, aged 47 said, “I heard a young girl screaming, so I ran to her and did what anyone would do”. John took his axe and sliced the wolf in alf and was amazed to find TWO people inside.

“I thought I was going to die”, said grandma, Hilda. “He is my hero and I hope he gets a knighthood”.

Jane the grand-daughter was visiting her grandma when she was tricked by the wold, having disguised himself as her grandmother. The wolf had eaten the grandma and then cleverly dressed up as her, to dupe the innocent girl, after seeing her walking in the forest.

George Drum, aged 52, animals in the wild expert said, “We humans need to be vigilant when walking, as animals are having to get smarter to survive”.

The woodcutter has received praise from his home town for his brave act. He recognised the wolf under the costume and instantly killed the savage beast.

This is the first instance of a whole human being eaten by a wolf in this area, but is far from the first person injured by this deadly breed of animal.

Jane’s mother, Sandra said, “I won’t be letting Jane walk through the forest alone ever again. I can’t believe I almost lost her”.

“Nature can indeed be full of danger, but if we are cautious, there is no reason to not enjoy it!, said forest keeper David Jones.

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