A few months ago I received an invitation from salix to attend a basic IT course, at first I thought

that I was too old to learn new skills. After a lot of thought I decided to give it a go. At my first lesson I met some lovely people who I now consider as friends. Our tutor was really helpful and to my surprise was able to introduce us to technology in a very relaxing way.The ten week course passed by very quickly and low and behold my computer skills had gone from zero to being able to use a computer quite well. I am now on a five week basic+ course.


Since being on the IT course I have met some really nice people from Salix and joined a panel which I really enjoy. Also I have been judging gardens for salix homes which gave me a lot of pleasure.


I am now becoming a volunteer for the Well being plan. So from one invitation my life has changed

for the better.

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