an average Saturday morning 9am until 12 noon.

Hello, My name is Phillip & back in January I was at a loose end.


You see as an ex soldier I had never realy got to grasps with what to do at the weekends. My family and friends all had things in place and to be honest they where no interest to myself. Also spending the weekend in the pubs & clubs was out of the question.


New Year, New deal. I wanted something to get my teeth into and by chance I did!


Facebook, love it or hate it I'm always on it! That's when I came across something I could get my teeth into. I came across a page intitled '' The Salford Breakfast Club & Hub'' so excitedly I looked through all the posts at that time (this was on Thursday January the 8th) I was so excited. I cant really explain but the camaraderie between ex service men & women is second to none. One of those you have to have served to fully understand the ''brotherhood''


Saturday morning couldnt come fast enough for me.


I had some friends local but my family live in Halifax and its a real bind visting them on the train, so I seriously wanted to bond with whoever attended the club for many reasons plus the banter only ex forces personnel understood.


My first morning I met Glenn Croston who along with the chef Andy Watkins had started the club only the week earlier. I sign in now in the same place No 20 on the register. 19 people joined before myself. I approached the counter introduced myself and ordered my breakfast at a cost of £1.75 for one sausage, one bacon, one egg, a spoon full of beans a brew and two slices of toast. Marvelous!


So here we are today, we now have over 180 members many of which come every week, our oldest veterans are in their 90s ( we have 4 of them) we have members from the Army, Navy, Merchant Navy and the RAF.


Only recently November 24th we where highlighted on BBC Breakfast although at 6:30am not many of the Veterans actually got to see it, which was annoying to say the least. Even worse we appeared on a TV channel called That’s Manchester on Thursday November 26th at 19:30 ( that's 7.30pm to none military people- Comedy value for you) they are a subsidiary of the BBC.


And Last Saturday evening we where recrecognised and awarded a trophy for services to the Salford Community by Salix Homes. An absolute brilliant week for the Breakfast Club and fantastic recognition for the guys who started this venture.

We could not survive however without various foodstuff donated by various companies such as Bury Black Pudding Company and Bidvest 3663 to name just two of our sponsor companies.


If you would like to volunteer or come for a cheap breakfast please feel free to call in at Pendleton Church Saint Thomas's on Ford Lane any Saturday between 9am and 12 noon and ask for Glenn/ Andy/ Colin or Phill ( Me)


Hope to see you soon.








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