A typical day in my life by Julie Fox
My day starts as I open my eyes and remember I can only see out of my right eye and my left eye is very blurry, It’s still a huge relief to have that small amount of sight though.
After making it to the bathroom without too many incidents I'm now ready for the day ahead.
What am I doing today? What day is it? Oh yes its Monday… Exercise class at Durham with Emma and the other guys, I had better get my act together and catch the bus or I will be late.
As I leave home and walk to get the bus, I realise that there is nothing in focus in my world, just a mass of blurred light and dark structures, I walk as fast as I can hoping that there are no obstacles in my path such as dog poop or discarded pizza boxes!
My symbol cane in hand I board the bus and take my seat, generally people are helpful when I have my cane on display and mostly move out of the way to let me through.
I miss expressions on faces and colours of flowers, thankfully, I am still mobile and my glass is usually half full so I make the best of life.
Time for my exercise class.
Would Emma notice if I didn’t do much and had a quick nap?