Lower Kersal had a certain buzz in the air on Friday 6th May as a special assembly took place at Lower Kersal Primary School.


The Kersal Vale Allotments & Horticultural Society have been working hard on their beekeeping at the fantastic set-up on Littleton Road - recently using facilities in Heaton Park to extract 80 lb of honey for their efforts.

To complete the job a label for the honey pots was required. This inspired a collaboration between Lower Kersal Primary School and the Allotments Society, holding a competition for the school children to design a honey pot label. The whole school submitted their designs, with the Allotments Committee allocated the difficult task of selecting the winning label.

The Mayor of Salford, Councillor George Wilson was in attendance to award generous cash prizes (Courtesy of the Allotments Committee) to three busy bees – Amelia Williams (year 1) who created the winning design, as well as Jason Kelly and Sara Jane Conway (year 6) who came second and third respectively.


Harry Davies, Chair of the Allotments Society said the committee were fond of Amelia’s label as they felt it accurately depicted the moods of some of their own bees! Amelia’s label "with attitude" can be seen on a pot of Kersal Vale honey below.

This assembly showed just how far the project has come from starting out as nothing to producing the honey and inspiring children through this competition and also the solar / wind powered webcam that has been installed on the hives and will be linked up to the school, engaging the children’s interest in the bees and their essential role in the environment.

Linda Carr, Community / Eco Governor at Lower Kersal Primary told us -

“The school and allotments working together is a great step forward, it shows community cohesion and team working and that can only be positive news”.


Fancy something sweet? – “A Taste of Honey” is available from the allotments in return for a small donation.

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