Clayton Sure start centre is a building between North Road and Clayton Street. It's in the heart of our community with services for all the communtiy.
On Mondays there's Tiny feet 10-11:30am and a midwife drop in 10am.
Tuesdays are for the luncheon club
Wednesdays are Wriggle and Move 10-11:30am
Thursdays are ICT courses
Fridays there's Wonderful World of Play.
These are the services i'm aware of.

Injunction with Claton Sure Start Centre is the nursery which is running all weekdays providing childcare for parents who work and put children in an enviroment to prepare them for school.

There's also the library which holds a story time with Irene. We've just completed a Rhyme challenege which entailed crafts. The cchildren really enjoyed this. Rhyme time is on a Thursdays 9:15-9:45am. The children listen to stories and take part in 'knock, knock what's in the box?' and the child chooses an item and then sing the nusery rhyme.
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We need to save our Sure Starts, this is about Clayton but sure sstart in a valuable assest no matter where you are.

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