The national waterways museum was once again brought alive by the sleighing of snowbells the excited chatter of expectant children and of course the ho ho of santa himself.

This week saw the start of the Ellesmere port national waterways museums annual santa cruise. The event has seen family’s flocking to the sold out event from Ellesmere Port and as far fetched as Manchester as the festive season takes over the museum.

Speaking to john inch, the general manager of the museum “This is definitely a unique place to meet the great man himself for children big, small, young and old”

The santa cruise event see’s familys met at the museum by santa and his helpers who escort each party onto one of the museums fleet of vintage barges which for this trip is the centaurian. The children are treated to a trip along the canal by santa and his skipper peter. Santa spends time on board with each of the children sharing the wonders of Christmas. Santa was quoted as saying “The museum is high on his list of favourite stop offs at this time of year”.

The children are then led away across to the historical island warehouse where santa’s grotto lies in wait,While mum,dad,nan and granddad have hot drinks and mince pies its some festive stories and pressies for the children.
All aboard for next year anyone.

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