BBC moved several of their departments from London to Salford.. However, Salford also sends her talent to London.
Several years ago our friends from Manchester decided to move to London to set up a children's TV channel with a bedtime stories show 'Snuggle'. I was asked to audition for a part of a presenter, but.. didn't have any stories to tell, as we had to write our own stories and then tell them at the audition. My daughters came to the rescue, reminding me that when they were only tiny, I used to tell them my own bedtime stories made up on the spot.
I couldn't even remember the stories, but my kids were only too happy to tell me the stories with great detail. Needless to say that the stories were written down and memorized. My daughters invited their friends to come to our house to test the stories to see if they liked them. And.. to my surprise.. they DID!
Shortly after the auditions, my husband, our two children and I were on the way to one of London studios with the green screen and a set built in front of our eyes. Make up, clothing etc selected, and here I was sitting on the set telling my bedtime stories, as well as a few that I was asked to tell.
The most wonderful part of this exciting experience to me was the fact that all four of us were involved: my husband helped to build the set and the girls helped with arranging the props. My older daughter operated a puppet, as the younger one together with her friend made up a song for the introduction of the program right there on the set and sang it!
You don't have to be born under the right postcode or live in Cambridge/Oxford to be able to dream big and to make a difference. If we just use the gifts and talents we have right where we are, we can inspire many people and be a blessing to them. What are your talents, interests, hobbies? You never know, the world might be waiting to see you in action.. we all might be missing out on your gift that you were given to enrich our lives and change them for the better.
Please feel free to send me a message if you think you have a gift that you have nearly given up on. Rediscover it today and let the world be a better place for it!
Tanya and fam xx