tomorrow  is set to be year two of the RESIDENTS  INVOLVED CONFERENCE at the BLACK PRINCE HOTEL BEXLEY. last year it was held in the TURNER ART CENTRE MARGATE. with resident Rosemary White  of larner  Road Erith winning  RESIDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD who gave up 32 years of her time doing things for her local community in Larner Road now ERITH PARK.

Last year the buffet was Superb and everyone had a good time even if some of the activities was confusing and a local dance troop provided entertainment both in the morning and afternoon it was good to mix with residents from all over the south east.

Tomorrow the resident reporters from all over the south Including, Thanet, Belverdere and Erith have been set the task of interviewing attendees of the conference either by vox popping or by old fashioned interviews for the Orbit Facebook pages, Residents Rag Blog,  Erith Park Facebook page and the resident involved sites.

These reporters were chosen for the friendliness, confidence and skills.  Myself Tracey Kember and my fellow colleagues Beattie, Samir. Steve , Teresa , Claire, Paul , Rita ,and Rosemary loved attending the course and we got on well as a team we all cant wait to attend the conference and begin to use our new found skills  even if it be nerve racking well we see how we get on tomorrow……

Watch this space to find out how we get on the community reporters will also report items happening in your local areas so keep your eyes peeled.

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