Hey ! Haven't been on this site for so long I was forced to change my password. er well...to tell the truth i'd forgotten it.
Good to see some are still keeping the site going... Had a crisis of confidence this summer. it got hi jacked by real life who sent a ransom note demanding my full attention before releasing her.
Got something I was working on earlier...much much earlier...smile
Di - verse
unlike my father
I cannot claim
rippling waves
of sugar cane fields
ivory sands and palm trees
of the West Indies
as my home.
I would like to think it
but the wish
it has no ground in reality.
from this heritage
but not of it
I traverse the borderlands
of two cultures
my reality began
in rain washed scenes
the rolling greenery
and jade ponds
of Cheshire scenery
under oak and cedar
their hunkered permanence
a balm
their shade
a sanctuary
to sunny Salford
gritty humour
casual cruelty
singles stacked
black vinyl
wickedly grinning
in the mouth
of a walnut gramophone
mojo rising
with Nina Marvin Aretha
Malcolm Jimmy and Bob
found myself with
Zions daughters rocking
as we danced
to the Steel of our own Pulse
wept raged and rejoiced
twisting the two strands
into sinewy locks
she who feels it
knows it
grew into my own skin
I-nna I-nglan

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