I want to numb the pain but the spirit of you won’t let me
You know that in my healing is my greatness
You want me to write what I feel because you told me
Through someone that you knew I would listen to
You know the gift that I have to share with the world
You have always known
That is why you always used to argue with me
To make me think
TO make me explore my thoughts
My deeper feelings, my yin and yang
You want me to connect with that place within
You have told me about this place
We believed, we came close but it wasn’t meant to be
But it was meant to be what it was
No other lips have been as soft to kiss
Or have transported me to that place
Have empowered me to be me
To that degree
That is why, every time I think of you I cry
For the words not yet spoken
For the love, not yet made
For the child not yet born
For the songs not yet sung
The tears not yet shed
Until now

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