In Oldham Town Centre, many streets are closed due to the work being carried out on the Metrolink extension. This is impacting local businesses.
"It affects the customers because they can't find us" said the Chef from Cafe Lahore on Union Street."There are no parking spaces available"
Across the road at ACE Visions the owner said "With the diversions its good for the business because more people are driving past the shop, once the trams are running its going to make Oldham better"
However, taxi driver Nadeem argues "By the time trams have been completed, alot of the shops are going to be closed, therfore people are going to shop in Manchester becasue it's going to be easier to get there with the trams"
"Its a nuisance for me at the moment because of all the diversions" says Iman, a local resident. "In the future I think its good for Oldham because it improves transportation around Greater Manchester"
What do you think?