Thanks to all those poets who turned out to the Oldham Failsworth poetry event who made it such a warm and fun filled evening. (That front row of kids - they should be hired to heckle hosts right, they did it so well!)
It was the kind of event where the beginnings of great things can be felt. There was a mixture of experienced and new poets, and of polished material and new writing being tried out. I was particularly pleased with the asurance of the new poets - one of them had never taken to the stage before to read and he really did well.
We did a run through / rehearsal with Commonword poet in reisdence, Ben Mellor, and Ben will be pleased to know we stuck exactly to his ideas for running order and delivery and it all flowed brilliantly!
It was not the biggest gig I've attended in the last two weeks (that accolade goes to Young Identity's Contact Theatre poetry night: around 150 people cheering them on!) Nor was it the most innovative and experimental (the Speakeasy theatre / film, poetry / music / Black Jesus / Black Panther medley must take the laurels there) but its the kind of event where you can detect signs of potential new ways of collaborating, possible new avenues to explore as a poet, and meet and hear from people who make a deep impression on your thinking about your own work.
I took a camera but forgot to use it. Sorry!

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