On Friday 16th of May the Rotunda Museum in Scarborough opened its doors to families who dare to spend a night in the company of the Gristhorpe Man and dinosaurs. With sleeping bags, toothbrushes and VERY thin sleeping mats we entered the museum with trepidation and fear.
Shadow puppet making and a torch lit tour of the museum added to our terror fueled evening. We were promised a movie, expecting to see ‘A Night at the Museum’, but alas it wasn’t to be. Where the Wild Things are was played to an audience of parents and children, who started to disperse as the night drew on.
As bed time approached from 8 families, 5 were left and we wearily climbed the stairs to set up camp. Alas, nobody thought to turn off the lights all night ensuring sleep did not come easily to the parents.
As we awoke to the view of seagulls posteriors perched on the sky lights, the promise of sausage sandwiches (which had kept us going all night) sadly failed to materialise.
We await with baited breath and eager anticipation for the announcement of the next sleep over – at least Libby (age 7) is!!!!