An old woman and her granddaughter have been rescued by a local woodcutter after being eaten by a wolf.

The young girl, Jane, had been walking through the woods to her grandmother’s house when she first encountered the wolf, and after that encounter the wolf appears to have made its way ahead of the girl to the house where it devoured the older woman first, then lay in wait for the girl to arrive.

Once Jane arrived, the wolf caught her off guard and devoured her as well.

The wolf appeared to be resting in the house when the woodcutter arrived later, where upon taking in the scene he cut the wolf open to rescue the women trapped inside and kill the beast.

When questioned on what brought him to the house, the woodcutter said “That wolf has been a nuisance in these woods for years, I came across some tracks when I was out working and decided to follow them, hoping to eliminate the monster…”

“When I realised the tracks led to a house, I went inside and seeing the wolf there alone knew it must have done something to whoever lived there, so I acted I killed it and freed them…”

When questioned the older woman didn’t want to say much other than she is “shocked” by what happened and “thankful and extremely grateful” to the woodcutter for his timely arrival and assistance.

Jane could not be approached for conversation due to her protective grandmother, though reports suggest she was extremely upset.

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