My name is Allan i am 27 i am a renal out-patient under Hope Hospital Salford Royal. I was born with acute renal failure and my osofiguss was not joined and the doctors said i wouldn't live that was back in  christmas 1986.   HEY WHAT DO THEY NO LOL  . i lasted till  i was 18 until my kidneys packed up .i was on dialisis in wigan boston house  from the age of 19 to 21. In 2008 i had a transplant and it was a doner kidney from my mum .Transplant went well but my osofiguss packed up and i couldn't eat for nearly six months . In the november of 2008 i  had another operation to have half of my stomach removed and a gastric  band fitted so i could eat again .

When i  became ill it was not great i was on dialisis for 15 hours a week with a bunch of geriatrics. I went off the rails and and done some stupid things but that is the past and i want to stop young people doing the same things as i did when i was ill by becoming a mentor . I now want to stop young people going going through the same things. Like I said before, I did a lot of very stupid things when I was ill after regaining my helth i had a job and managed to save up and get a flat and a scooter so the is light at the end  of the tunnel 

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