It's not that hard to have fun, after all. Sometimes, all you need is a
couple of rehearsals in a garage, a list of the songs you and your
friends all know, and a stage. And yeah, of course, a crowd of people in
front of whom to play those songs. Easy, right?

Unfortunately, it's never that simple, especially if the "mainstream"
music is not exactly what you want to play. If your passion is punk rock
music, you won't alwats find that many people to play with, or to play
for. You won't always find a club that will want you to play there, even
for free. Too loud, too few people at the bar, too many punks.

But after we made it, on friday the 29th of December in Palermo, all of
ths didn't seem that hard after all. With our determination, our
passion, and our desire to shake our city and blow away some of th dust
that is slowly covering our spirit. The formula was simple, and it
worked. People who I hadn't seen in years showed up to see Again I Hear,
a melodic hardcore band inspired by bands from California as NoFX or
Blink 182, and to see The Bobby, Jack & Muttley Show ft. Cimino, a
band of old friends gathered together to honor great bands of the past
such as The Ramones or Misfits.

Surprised by the success of the event, the guys that manage Lulu Pub -
the venue that hosted the show - claimed that they will welcome future
concerts such this one. In fact (and I'm referring to pub and venue
owners) why shouldn't a punk rock night be successful?

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