Matt Bell tells us what he likes about Salford

I have been attending the Innovation Forum, which houses People’s Voice Media, since November 2011. Through my participation on various courses at the centre, I now have a basic understanding of cameras, storyboarding and film editing. Since then I have worked closely with the Salford Deaf/Blind organisation to produce a film, “Equality on the Buses” (2012), which highlights the difficulties this group have in accessing public transport.

In April 2013, Matt Bell joined PVM as a Community Development Worker with responsibilities for developing the role of the community reporter. Since that time I have enjoyed working with Matt on several projects, including interviewing people for the Integrated Care Programme for Older People and Voices of Britain projects.

On 26 & 27 June and 3 July 2013 Matt ran a course, How to Make a Film in 3 Days, again this looked at the basics of film-making, but I took part because I wanted to learn more about film editing with imovie. The end result of this course was that I was able to produce a short film that looked at positive aspects of Salford, “Positively Salford” (2013)

Matt has now set up The Film Group which meets on alternative Thursdays between 2.00 and 4.00pm. Our aim is to produce films that are both fictional and non-fictional, and our goal is to submit the best to the relevant film festival.

For more information on this and other exciting developments please contact

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