Bombs Flying Over The Docks Was Frightning Even the sight of my mum pullins the trolly with all her Treasured Things in upset me. She gathered my Sister up she go outside. Here she got my granne's plus me & my Big Brother. Mr Major Blew his Whistle mum Bawled at Him. As she Pushed us to the Shelter. She put Sue on one Beb then me. Empting her bits she made Comfortable Dads mam Gran Evans Flitted in and out Grannie Fulcher Just Made Herself Comfort able she fell Asleep as did I. I Woke. I Saw Gran F. The hat she wore was her best one wiht Ostrich Feather. No W Broken and with every Breath it Moved up and Down. I Found it Funy. I Lavghed Grannie E Stared To Shout at. Me Mama Shouted at her Babys Cryed. John Stared To Give Cheek Mama Belted Him. Gran F Woke up. She Heard What was Going on then Said Bloody Hitler and his Bl Bombs.