I was privileged to be invited to National Older peoples Day in Salford on the Wed 1st Oct.We were introduced to Joy Watson she calls herself THE LADY WITH THE PURPLE HAIR she was diagnosed with dementia at the young age of 55yrs but rather than sit back and accept her illness she has gone on to be a real champion for dementia sufferers. In the space of one year she has achieved more than most do in a lifetime. She promotes dementia awareness, has formed a charity (DEMENTIA ACTION ALLIANCE) completes presentations about the illness does interviews for t.v/ and magazines along with charity events. Made Eccles the first dementia friendly town. She says this is my calling where people with dementia will have a safe haven, be cared for and enabled to live not just exist and realise their full potential. Along with husband and carer Tony they are making a huge impact not only in Salford but countrywide,they are true heroes.The day was about volunteers and the good work they do in Salford. It also highlights the work being done by various organisations to improve the health and social care for Salford residents.It was evident that a lot of work goes behind the scenes.We heard how some 4.9 million people over 65 yrs of age in the U.K do voluntary work. 37000 of these are in Salford completing 137,000hrs work each week. These are people that make a difference. We were also entertained by the Big Dance Group. A great and enlightening day.