My name is Adam Heslington and I recently began a creative apprenticeship in live events at Jack Drum Arts in Crook, Co Durham. I volunteered at the company for a couple of years after growing up through their Youth Theatre (Jackass) and when given the chance to apply for the apprenticeship I saw it as the next step to gaining knowledge and experience in something I love to do...

Working at Jack Drum Arts will give me the chance to work with Music and Arts Leader Laura Emerson and assist with Youth Theatre sessions and Samba Drumming workshops… Trips for young people are to be organsied and live Samba performances happen regularly. As well as the companies own workshop space needing to be managed these are few of the projects happening at Jack Drum...

I am very confident in saying this year will be a fantastic opportunity to learn the ins and outs of an arts company and all it entails and I really look forward to it...

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