It’s official. I’m old. I’m elderly. I’m, seriously, seventy!

Does the number frighten me? Yes. Am I more aware of my own mortality? Yes. Death is something everybody thinks about from time to time, you just have to accept that at seventy the invitation is already on its way.

The ironic thing is that at this time in my life I feel more alive than I’ve been for a long time. I’ve started making films, I’m involved in a theatrical production, I’m writing blogs, visiting my friends more often because now I have the time to do it. I am representing one of the charities that I volunteer for at a conference, I’m going on history walks, play indoor curling, run a writing group, spend as much time as I can with my children and granddaughter, and recently at a wedding I was dancing to Beyonce!

Yes, I do start my days with a regular dose of Judge Judy, but I am seventy, I’m allowed to do that! So if you want to call me old, elderly, a coffin dodger - what do I care - I’m still here and I’m loving it!


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