We have had a great time working with people to produce some really interesting content on interfaith issues. What's more, people seemed to have a really good time throughout the project - some of the comments we got were:

“Great new community project on exploring religion. Will be interesting to carry on the fun”

“Great session. Useful, professional”

“I enjoyed this becoz it gave me a chance 2 tlk with other Christians”.

But although the project is over we are really excited to say that we're going to be hitting the airwaves soon! We've been invited to do two shows on Salford City Radio 94.4 FM. They'll highlight some of the best material and our participants will be in the studio talking about faith in modern life. The programmes will be recordered and aired early in May - we'll let you know the exact dates soon. But don't worry if you miss it - we'll put the full shows here for you to enjoy at your leisure.

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