As we reluctantly wave goodbye to the Future Jobs Fund scheme which is being cut by the Government, it is still important to remember how beneficial it has been to our local community.
Putting thousands of young adults into employment, the Future Jobs Fund also gives them the opportunity to gain experience, develop vital skills, and help to make long term employment a more realistic goal.
In this case, Contour Housing Association has arranged for four young adults to be given the chance to work at People's Voice Media, a not-for-profit community development organisation. Five weeks into the placement (which lasts 6 months), the individuals have already gained and developed a wide variety of skills, from improved confidence and socialising capabilities, to experience with using a broad range of technology.
At People's Voice Media, the aim is to establish community cohesion by obtaining views from local people, ensuring that all communities are given a voice. This is achieved by going out into the heart of the community and reporting back true thoughts and feelings of locals; visiting youth clubs and charities; and encapsulating the very essence of community spirit with photos and videos at local events.
During this past week whilst on work experience, we (Nicole and Alex from Priestnall School) have been working on this project, carrying out interviews with all those involved. We received an interesting array of feedback, which mostly consisted of feelings of disappointment to see the scheme go. Without the Future Jobs Fund, many individuals would still be “looking for a job, but unable to get a foot in the door”. Work placements at organisations like People’s Voice Media is the perfect chance to gain experience needed to reduce “competition from older people”, who are often more likely to get the job.
So, with this many objections and disadvantages, it is a wonder why the Government is still cutting the Future Jobs Fund scheme. Surely the countless benefits outweigh the comparatively insignificant costs…?