Yesterday my daughter was married. It had been in the planning for years. There had been a lot of discussions, some tears, money spent - a lot of money spent - a lot of my money spent!

Now it was here - the wedding of the year had arrived.

The bride was being attended by the hairdresser, she was looking radiant and calm. The groom’s mother was fussing over everybody, while her husband was making sure everybody was refreshed with tea, coffee or a cold drink. The chief bridesmaid paced up and down, voicing her concern that the bride’s mother should have arrived by now, The photographer negotiated his way through people who were being primped and powdered, snapping first one and then the other. The bride’s mother finally made an appearance, soaking wet having been caught in a sudden Summer storm. Hair dryers were quickly diverted to dry her off  … and suddenly the house was empty apart from the bride and her father. There was nothing else for it but to take a selfie!

The car arrived - a vintage beauford. A lovely looking car - but try getting into it, on my knees I managed it somehow. We laughed all the way to the venue.

More photographs - flash, flash, flash - the celebrity life would not be for me.

Then we are walking down the aisle, keep steady. Now it’s time for the vows. Finally married.

The groom decided he wanted speeches before the meal, so that he could enjoy his food. There is still a long wait, and more photographs.

A few words from the father of the bride. I’m on my feet. The thing is to get through it without becoming too emotional.

The groom’s mother congratulates me, then more people come up to say how much they like the speech. Apparently I had made grown men cry, there’s always a first.

Throughout the day, my daughter was glowing. She was so happy, and so was I. I was with two of the most precious people in my life, my daughter and my son.

In the early hours of the morning, as people fell into their cars, to be driven home by their designated drivers, I settled back in the taxi. Clear headed after a day of imbibing nothing stronger than orange juice, I reflected on what had been a perfect event, I’d even been persuaded onto the dance floor and boogied to Beyonce!




Oh, you made me cry too! Such a lovely reflection of the day....and you both look SO happy in the photo.

Thank you for sharing and I'm just grinning from ear to ear. Lovely xxx

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