So, this week we held an impromptu get together with Community Reporters from across the Northwest. It was a chance for people to meet each other, find out a bit about why people got involved and stay involved and share ideas about what they think Community Reporting is.
It was a horrible wet rainy day so well done to everyone that made it to the Social Media Centre - and it has to be said that thew weather certainly didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm. There was so much interesting debate and conversation - much more than we had time for as it turns out! - and a really good session on trying to find out what it is that the Institute of Community Reporters can do to help people stay involved and have a good experience of reporting.
Here's some of the things that the groups came up with:
· Want to know the ‘bigger picture’ of what they are involved in
· Keen to carry on having monthly meet-ups as a means of meeting others/sharing ideas/linking up on projects. These are wanted both in person and also could be virtual?
· Web tutorials/Forum – Lots of online tutorials, Skype tutorials
· Create ‘Meet the team’ films on the CR site so they know who staff are, what they do and also know who to contact
· List of CRs including their area so they know who other CRs are/they can then contact each other (have an opt in box for available CRs)?
· Local networks – Tours of media sites/what’s a green room etc.
· Competitions/incentives – launch on Facebook
- Training - Introduction to Skype
- Training - how to use a blog
- Training - Video editing
- Training - copyright/using images and links
- Training - sound/lighting
- Training - Mobile phones for easy communication, how to use a smart phone
- Training – More time during training
- Training – blogging, internet traffic, info regarding technology and social media
- Positive feedback
- CR Opportunities – Theatre visits (interviewing/reviews on shows)
- Information on film editing packages – Best computers to have
- Vox popping experience
- Notice board – Looking for people who are willing to share projects
- Advice about technical things e.g. word press
- Regular contact with other reporter groups (Skype?)
- Contact reporters via Facebook
- Assertiveness help
- Online tutorials – New courses, advancements, to stay current
- Engaging remotely (use big marker) – people with mobility issues, conference calling, arranging transport
- Information about ‘What’s out there’
- Networking – Who is doing what out there?
- FAQ’s – missing from Communityreporter.co.uk
- Encouragement and feedback – Comments, perhaps tips to improve
- More information about PVM – What does the future hold, who’s interested in PVM/Community reporting, funding and interested parties
- More centres, more accessible
- Link up with other media companies
- Information about opportunities – other relevant training opportunities, conferences etc.
- Get a job that you can be paid for
PHEW! Quite a list!
As you can see there were tonnes of great ideas...and things that we can act on quite quickly. But is there anything else that you'd like to see? Any ideas that were missed? Add a comment bloew with anything else you can think of.
So, check out future newsletters from us to see when some of these actions will come to life!