Despite the drizzle, Rowntree Park in York hosted their annual Peace Festival on Sunday 4th Sept., a highlight of which was 'The Backyard Cabaret Tent'.

A selection of performers both amateur and professional travelled there to entertain for the cause, and included Darren Poyzer's rousing political songs and the comically 'different' Madame Zucchini, who performed with her vegetables!

Most outstanding though, was DPerformance, who delivered a comedy routine worthy of a top theatre. These three York St John University students, Reece Hargreaves, Meg Naylor and Phil Tottie had written and devised the sketch which they perfected in performance to a high standard. They succeeded in bringing the soggy tent down with their innovative hilarity, leaving us all with a desire for more. Well done to the young trio and here's wishing every success for their future.

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