Social Media is a fantastic way at keeping in touch with people and can aid well-being.   But sometimes 'well-being' involves putting the Smartphone down and switching the computer off.  Ouch!

There isn't anyway of getting around it we need to do it - exercise!  Regular exercise can add years to our life and it can lift our mood.  I recently joined a gym on a short-term basis however I am afraid to say I didn't go often.  I found it a little lonely!  The environment didn't feel right for me and it was too expensive. However for some people
using a gym maybe an excellent way of keeping fit and there are usually free trials available.

I think I prefer to be outdoors, get some fresh air and be with others. So how about a Power-walk in Hyde Park? Anyone up for it,  or have any other ideas? Or do you know of any outdoor free or other cheap ways to keep fit that you would like to share?  Please leave a comment or send us a tweet with any ideas!

The NHS Choice Website claims that Research by the University of Essex has shown that exercising outdoors boosts people’s physical and mental health more than going to indoor gyms, even in winter. The National Trust has written about the outdoor gym and they claim  that Just five minutes in the outdoor gym every day can lead to improvements in mood and self-esteem, as well as physical fitness.

They report these benefits on their website

Benefits of exercising outdoors

  • Burn up to 20 percent more calories
  • Work harder and improve balance on uneven surfaces and in natural elements
  • Perfect full body workout
  • Vitamin D boost good for bones
  • A really healthy glow

So it's January and I can't think of a better month to start. Please send any comments or ideas - Thank You

VIcky :)

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