People's Voice Media has been delivering a Community Reporters Lite programme at the D Shop in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.

The sessions ran over six weeks with the two groups learning about blogging, digital photography and making a film to upload to the internet.

Comments from learners include:

"I really enjoyed the course. Thankyou."

"Thankyou for an entertaining, educational and enlightening course David. Please continue with your inspiring work. Come to Huddersfield."

"I enjoyed the course and David was great."

"Very enjoyable course. Well delivered."

"Excellent presentation."

Following the success of the course a further four sessions are being delivered as part of the "Meeting Places" project, documenting local people's feelings about public spaces in the town.

In total thirteen people completed the course.

Here is a picture of Cath Miller receiving her Community Reporters certificate, badge and T Shirt from David Kay of People's Voice Media.

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