Envirolution is on this Saturday at Platt Fields Park in Rusholme  from 12-5pm and we want you to report on it! If you have an interest in Green Issues this could be just the ticket for you.

In the Hot Topics Zone there will be cafe-style discussions around Greening Urban Spaces, Food, Green Economy, Health and Communities. In the Entertainment Zone there will be an eclectic mix of music, spoken word and dance provided by the likes of Manchester Vegetable Orchestra, Honey Feet, Jezabella, Four Cats Theatre and many more. You can join Bike Week in the Cycle Zone, get involved in the Interactive Zone and learn about Energy Generation, Wood Carving and Campaigning in the Eco-Space. It sounds like a brilliant day.

You can report on the event either on video, by getting audio interview, taking photos - however you want. If you want to take up this opportunity then contact julie@peoplesvoicemedia.co.uk.

If you just happen to be going anyway why don't you add a story to communityreporter.co.uk and share your pictures here? We'd love to know your views and what kind of a day you had!

You can find out more about envirolution here by checking out their blog http://envirolution.wordpress.com/

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