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Community Reporter Training – what a great success!!!
Posted on February 3, 2014
Blog writer Tracey Kember pictured here with fellow Community Reporter Samir Araffa
The intrepid ‘Community Reporters’, with their brilliant trainer Teresa Wilson
Community Reporters initiative helps our involved residents’ blog receive over 3,900 views!
Orbit South’s Involved Residents’ blog has received over 3,900 views since its launch in September 2012. Previously the majority of the content was produced by staff, but we identified that many of our most popular posts have been created by residents sharing their experiences of being involved.
Residents have told us that they are best placed to talk about their communities and involvement with Orbit as they have ‘hands on knowledge of what’s going on’. With this in mind, we explored options for how residents could take greater ownership of the blog and create engaging content that would appeal to a wider audience.
We arranged for People’s Voice Media to deliver 5 training sessions to 10 residents who responded to our advert, keen to learn how they could report on their communities and the work they do with Orbit.
Together with 3 members of staff, the group learnt valuable digital skills including how to take photos, tell stories on blogs, conduct interviews and use mobile phones to do street interviews using audio apps.
The residents – most of whom had not had any prior experience of media or IT – absolutely excelled themselves. Feedback included:
• “The whole thing was mind-blowing and helped with my confidence with groups”
• “Fun, informative, makes everything seem possible!”
• “Thoroughly enjoyable, well taught”
• “Informative and enjoyable, grateful to be a part of it”
The Community Reporters had their first outing as roving reporters at Orbit South’s Involved Residents’ Conference on 2 November. Over 90 people attended the event at the Holiday Inn in Bexley, South London, including residents from across Orbit South, volunteers, contractor partners and staff.
The Reporters lost no time in putting their new skills into practice by interviewing residents and staff. They conducted over 20 interviews, with residents and staff sharing their experiences of working and being involved with Orbit as well as suggestions for how we could continue to improve our involvement offer.
After the conference, the Community Reporters created blog posts about their experiences of the day highlighting how much they had enjoyed it. You may have read the excellent blog produced by community reporter Tracey Kember.
The Community Reporters involvement in the conference helped us to achieve 100% positive feedback on the event with the majority of people scoring it 5 out of 5.
The Community Reporters are now being asked to report on our involvement and service improvement activities such as resident scrutiny, service reviews and involvement events. The Reporters receive a small incentive of £10 shopping vouchers for each article that is published on our Involved Residents’ blog andcommunity Facebook page.
Sharing the residents’ stories through social media helps us to promote the wonderful achievements of our residents and to reach people who may get involved through traditional methods.
The success of the community reporters initiative has been recognised by the TPAS Awards 2014. The initiative has been shortlisted for a Southern region Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) award in the category of ‘Excellence in Digital Engagement’. The winners will be announced at the TPAS award ceremony on Friday 14 February 2014.
Watch this space for more articles from our Community Reporters……I’m sure you will be impressed!!
Click on the audio file at the top of the page to hear staff members Lisa Cornish and Claire Oaten’s views of the training.