Hello Community Reporters
I am sure most Towns/Cities have a Pound World! What an amazing Shop. I went in Regularly. Twice, I've been short Changed. Last Year, a Polish Young person serving. I gave them my money, waited for change, then out. Suddenly checked receipt realised she hadn't given my 4.00 change. I went back in the Store and questioned. So very embarrassing, she said I gave you your change, everyone gets change!! Anyhow, Manager, closed the till. Checked current takings. Sure enough, till was 4.00 up!! Manager apologised. Then, 2 weeks ago, I went in Pound World again, had problems understanding the Male checkout assistant as I'm Profoundly Deaf. Gave him the amount I thought he said. Checked receipt, he was watching me.He'd taken 11.00 over and never gave 10.00 back took all said that plenty and give 1.00 from till. It disgusting. He's insulting Disabled people. I Never questioned. I was concious big queue behind. Only one till open. Didn't feel I wanted to create a fuss as was waiting nearly an hr last year for till to be checked. I phoned Pound World from home. Explained what had happened. Very understanding supervisor. She text as promised. Said when cashed up till was over amount receipts showed by 5.00, not 11.00 you quote! I said can I show receipt to you on Mon. She confirmed yes fine. I never got my 11.00 back, she just said I should of questioned straight away. I said, I felt the member of staff dishonest and has no respect for Disabled people. I shall never use Pound World again. It really upset me. I work very hard for my small amount of wage. Feel so very hurt!!
Many thanks to all who read.
Kind Regards