~~Salford Deaf Blind Group
Each Monday I do some voluntary with Salford Disability Forum. One of the groups is the Deaf and Blind Network. When I am available I attend their monthly meetings and I have got to know most of the members.
The organiser of the group is Geoff Fletcher who is profoundly deaf himself
Geoff tries to arrange speakers to come to the group to talk about a variety of subjects from Salford Talking Newspaper for the Blind to Lancashire Constabulary giving advice about crime prevention.
Transport is arranged to pick the individual members up from their homes and bring them to St George’s Resource Centre in Salford.
A subscription of £5.00 is paid by each member at each meeting this contributes to the costs of the taxis.
About twice a year Geoff organises a Tombola in Salford Shopping Centre to raise some money for any activities the group wish to do.
Members and local businesses provide some items for the Tombola but the group would be pleased to accept any donations .
The next Tombola will be held in Salford Shopping Centre on Thursday 4th June 2015.
Thank you for your support
Lyndon Huetson
Community Reporter