I attended a sound workshop held by Adele Myers the other night at MadLab in the Northern Quarter, this was one of the workshops run as part of the Bokeh_Yeah group. This would be fascinating for you to go to if you are curious about making films with your Digital SLR. You may or may not have a Digital SLR camera which has movie making capabilities, even so the process is interesting to find out about. In this workshop we experimented and compared the sound recording capabilities of a Tascam, Edirol and onboard sound recording of Canon SLRs. Adele had brought some apples freshly harvested from Leaf Street so our task was to eat an apple and record the sound - it's amazing how much variance there was in sound quality across the equipment. What I also found out about was the ability to use non digital lenses with digital cameras which is quite exciting for me as I have a film SLR with lenses I can experiment with on my digital SLR. Next month we're having a look at lighting. The session are informal and free and are a great way to develop knowledge, share skills and experiment creatively, right up the street of camera geeks like me!
You can follow the group on Twitter under the name Bokeh_Yeah! and they also have a Facebook event page.
Next session will be held on 6th October 19:00 - 21:30 at The MadLab, 36-40 Edge Street, Manchester.