• The Storyteller shares their experience of living in the UK

The storyteller shares about the positive experience she has had since moving to the UK.

please. Can you tell me you experience the UK since you came into U K? Just a minute to bit of the experience. What you have experienced here. Thank you so much

My experience here in the U. K. A

Business has been good so far. Uh, there are so many things. We are, uh, many good things

We have, uh, that we have gotten, uh, so many help. We have gotten, uh, so many support love from, uh, the comment from, uh, charities. So, uh, we'll really be sure consigned there

So much concern. So much love. So my family is happy

My kids are happy. My husband is happy. So we are very happy about our lives here in the U

K. Thank you.


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