A young person discusses activities during the covid-19 pandemic and their mental health.

How did Covid-nineteen affect you? OK, we had to do online schooling, and later on he had to wear a mask in the public of taking the public transport and in stores. It didn't really affect anything else that much. How did like online schooling affect, like, your mental health, or like your motivation? Um, I didn't really have any motivation to do online schooling. I didn't show up for any classes or do any homework

Um, but due to the fact before the pandemic, I didn't have that great of a social life. It kind of gave me a break from school and gave me some time to spend more time on myself and taking care of myself during some of most of like, some time, some good time in the pandemic actually became quite active and started running in the morning and in the evening for an hour or something. Um, and then I would go for walks

Sometimes that lasted for hours, and I'd start. And I started reading books and stuff and, uh, realised that I got a very different view after the pandemic. Uh, in the pandemic

Um, what did your view change from, like to what? Um, this, um before I had a pretty bad depression. So it kind of help me get better. And, like, take a break from social

Yeah, and I realised what real happiness is. Yeah, and yeah. Advocate happier

So, like having the CO the lockdown, like, took you away from social and let you, like, figure out like what you wanna do and, like, give you some motivation after the lockdown. Yeah, I have, um how is, like, I did your parents job, like, have, like, direct effect on covid or not? Um, yeah. My mom worked in the in health care for elderly people, so she helped them get up

If they were disabled in any kind of way and help them go to the bathroom and stuff and bought them groceries and give them medicine, some, if they need it and just talk with them and help them relax a little more and feel a little more loved and cared for. Since a lot of people in the health care industry for elderly people, actually, it takes the time to talk to the patients and chat with them, so they feel better. So, yeah, how about like, what does your what are your views on? Like, what are your parents or your view on the vaccines for covid

Uh, personally, I don't really have any opinion about the vaccine, but my mom is very much against the vaccine due to the fact that my mom lost a lot of a lot of people after they got the vaccine. Um, so yeah. Hm

I don't have any more questions..

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